My heart is capable of giving and receiving with outrageous love.

Dear Beloved Friends,My heart is capable of giving and receiving with outrageous love.* As I’ve been aligning to my greater Life’s Mission, I’ve been faced with some major financial adversities. During the last couple of months, I have awakened myself into the meaning of being a compassionate friend and committing outrageous acts of love for… Continue reading My heart is capable of giving and receiving with outrageous love.

Neuro-Cultural Plasticity: our window for a new future

Happy New Year! Happy New Lunar! Neuro-Cultural Plasticity: our window for a new future. I hope you are starting 2023, very well and healthy. The past two years have been crazy, to say the least, with the pandemic and witnessing, every day and in every way, the current happenings in the world from climate to… Continue reading Neuro-Cultural Plasticity: our window for a new future