Awaken my life’s mission for evolutionary love while I share this very sacred and pivotal moment of my life. After long periods of reflection and engagement with my inner personal and spiritual growth processes, I have come to realize that it is time for me to step into the evolutionary work that I’ve been ‘called’ to do in this lifetime.
I suppose the inner calling planted its seeds during my graduate studies while being part of a certificate program in 2001-2003 called, Socially Engaged Spirituality at Saybrook University (formerly Saybrook Graduate School). This program and the group of souls who gathered together for a 3-year long process, marked a distinct contribution to my mystical journey. I believe, we are all on our unique mystical journeys, but once our own unique perspective joins with our mystical journey, we begin to awaken our unique purpose and offerings.
For me, the awakening of my life’s mission becomes more potent as the aging process sets into my body. It became increasingly formidable when I experienced my breast cancer diagnosis. This catapulted me towards the desire to deeply uncover my life’s purpose with more immediacy. The purpose is beyond what I do or what I’ve acquired in my life, i.e. education, social status, material possessions and wealth. It resonates more with — how does my presence in this world contribute to the overall evolution that I am uniquely part of and lives inside me?
Since 2008, I have experienced deep struggles and challenges in my life. I suppose this was Life’s way of trying to ‘wake’ me up, to get my attention. In 2010, this year was the darkest time of my life. I was interested in understanding my mother’s family and so me and the Universe co-created some dire circumstances, where I had to rely on my extended family for support. The support was conditioned and barely given freely — however, I remain grateful for being able to learn of my mother’s lineage and the depth of healing that was needed from me.
So, in 2010, I had lost my condominium to foreclosure during the real estate recession. Roughly a year before, I unknowingly made a poor decision to step away from my contract work with an architectural firm in hopes of pursuing real estate investing, which is ironic now, looking back. The absolute loss of everything led me to stay with my relatives in San Jose, CA for 5 months. This felt the closest to being homeless that I had ever experienced; the energy of my aunt’s home was steeped in shadow, scarcity and lack. I didn’t ‘fit’ in with my mother’s side of the family — since my mother passed away when I was fourteen, I wasn’t conditioned into their lifestyle. I was not easily controlled. I felt this period of my life, initiated the growth of my breast cancer; it took 5-years for the 4cm tumor to be noticeable during preventive screenings.
From 2011 through 2016, I worked in a completely unrelated field — convention staffing and events. After my cancer treatments were done in 2015, I made a decision to return to architecture. But, the Universe continued to give me signals that my life’s work was not there. In 2018, I consulted with a tarot healer, where she saw clearly that my astrological birth chart and life’s purpose did not support me working in the architectural field. Even now, I notice, the more I continue relying on my architectural skills for my livelihood, I am met with more and more struggles and challenges.
During this last holiday season (2022), I poised myself to wander within and self-reflect on my path. It was clear to me that I needed the courage and determination to move towards my life purpose — to move towards where I am fully supported by the Universe. This is what I am calling my life’s mission — my purpose is being part of humanity’s evolution because we are at the tipping point of either dystopia or utopia.*
I am stepping in — into the inside of the inside — to help in stewarding our consciousness into our ‘new’ humanity as Dr. Marc Gafni and Barbara Marx Hubbard have defined as the fulfillment of Homo Sapiens as Homo Amor. We are in the midst of a deep global crisis. I am answering my clarion call. All that I do from this point forward, including my talents, skills and knowledge IS to support this global initiative. Being humble and gracious in asking for support from my global family is part of the work. This is part of trusting that my life, our lives, are being held by the greater energies — of the Universe, She (Goddess), God, Spirit and the God that knows my name.*
Trust lives and grows in my heart’s center once I dedicate my life-force energy to my life’s mission. It is trust that believes — we are and will have the resources each and every month to do the evolutionary work that we are here to do.
Thank you, beloveds, for reading and hearing my story. If you would like to learn more or contribute to my sponsorship initiative, please visit Support My Life’s Mission Campaign Page
May ALL be well and healthy!
Love, Margie
*Inspired by the teachings of Dr. Marc Gafni, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Center for Integral Wisdom