Dear Beloved Friends,
My heart is capable of giving and receiving with outrageous love.* As I’ve been aligning to my greater Life’s Mission, I’ve been faced with some major financial adversities. During the last couple of months, I have awakened myself into the meaning of being a compassionate friend and committing outrageous acts of love for others. Up until now, my livelihood has come from my architectural work. I have loved this profession even with all its dysfunctions of the hierarchical ‘old-boys’ club and subtle racial bias.
And so, as I commit to a greater cause for humanity, this source of livelihood has begun to shut its doors to me. I have been through all the human emotions of anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, sometimes ridiculous laughter, during this chosen uprooting of myself; how I have existed in this world. By habit, I continue attempts of keeping the shutting door from shutting. It is insanity. But for so long, I have placed my survival on this profession. I realized, I only stand in its illusion of pseudo-safety.
My ego has even tricked me into believing that the new direction that I have chosen to pursue is the culprit. It is the reason why I stand in the brink of my financial survival. From the Dharma teachings of the Center of World Philosophy and Religion, Dr. Marc Gafni introduced two types of families we form connections in this world — our biological families and evolutionary families.
Our evolutionary families are people, who are truly our whole-mates, the souls, who we have been in relationship before this lifetime and for billions of years. These are people, who we meet and instantly have felt-sense, soul connections with beyond measure.
Our biological families are those, who we have been born into or have birthed, and they could be part of our evolutionary family also. In my situation, my biological family is not my evolutionary family. They are beautiful souls for which I may share a surname and strands of DNA.
As I am waking up to this new path, I still fall into that human tendency of seeing my evolutionary family as strangers, believing they are not interested in my hearing my story or capable of caring. Or perhaps, I have conditioned myself to always take care of others before I take care of myself — to be selfless, so to speak. This comes at a cost. In my case, it is my inability to ask for help, when I truly need it and accept the help fully when it is given.

For days, I have been praying and asking for guidance from the Universe/She, in what to do with my financial situation. It has stirred up everything in me. So, in writing this blog post, I am opening up to my vulnerability and sharing that I am truly in need of support from the caring, compassionate souls of my evolutionary family, who I have met and will soon meet along my life’s journey. I am asking for help with my living expenses. Right now, my biggest need is paying past-due and upcoming rent in the amount of $3500.
With my resourceful nature, I have created different avenues for fundraising of my Life’s Mission. Here are ways you can support me:
Giving a direct contribution to my Life’s Mission Campaign. Your gift need not be a lot; many people giving a small amount can be powerful. CONTRIBUTE HERE
Or if you have the resources, become one of my sponsors with a monthly contribution. CONTRIBUTE HERE
Subscription to the BadassLove Letters at $10 per month. This is a weekly love letter sent to your email. SIGN UP HERE
If you are planning a trip and need flight, hotel stays or car rentals, please go to my travel blog to start your trip planning and search. When you use my link and purchase a travel service directly from the airlines and/or travel agencies, I receive a small commission for the referral. There are no additional or hidden fees. START HERE
Thank you so much for your consideration and contributions. With your support, I will continue the evolutionary work that is mine to do. And, I am dedicated to giving back 1000% to our evolution. My heart is capable of giving and receiving with outrageous love.
With Mad Love,
*Inspired by the teachings of Outrageous Love, Eros and Unique Self by Dr. Marc Gafni.