Welcome My Beloved Sponsors! This is a life mission for future generations. For those who have been following me, please click here to read my revised focus to my Life’s Mission Campaign. For those who are visiting for the first time, thank you for being here.
During this year, I’ve done a lot of reflecting on my life’s path and came to an urgency of shifting my mindset around work. I felt, what I contribute in the world needs to connect with a life’s mission, something greater and beyond me. My life’s experiences, i.e. training, skills and accomplishments, have contributed to my path so far but now, I need to answer a clarion call of aligning my exterior and interior worlds through my offerings.

In 2021, I was introduced to the work of Dr. Marc Gafni and Barbara Marx Hubbard through a weekly broadcast called One Mountain Many Paths, which is part of a greater initiative under the Center for World Philosophy and Religion.
They explained, we are currently undergoing a critical time on this planet because our human species is evolving towards the fulfillment of Homo-sapiens as Homo Amor. This is a critical time because we are literally in a time between worlds, where the trajectory of our future can either ascend or descend. An ascending path looks and feels like, a collective humanity that has the capacity to integrate a shared field of value within our global culture and human consciousness. In this scenario, we save our humanity. The other is a descending path, where we have the capacity to destroy ourselves to distinction and devolve our human consciousness.
For the last year, I have deepened my understanding and the work we all need to do. We can choose to step in, to take our places in this r/evolution. As Dr. Marc Gafni says, there is a tremendous need for global cooperation and global resonance that actively responds to the meta-crisis we are facing as humanity.
As I deepen in my studies of eros, I see that I am needed; we are all needed. For me, being in this sacred relationship with the dharma is cultivating a partnership with Spirit, the Universe, with She. As I am living Love through my lived experiences, I allow the transformation to emanate through me. I become an evolutionary partner with the Divine. She lives in me, as me and through me.
During the past year, my divine calling shifted to focus on healing my ancestral line. (There is a deep history that I’m uncovering that I will share as a blog article later). When I did this, Life began calling me to relocate from northern California to the east coast. This past summer, I spent a couple of months in Philadelphia. This helped me get acquainted with the area and get a sense of where I am needed. In addition, I traveled to Europe for the first time to attend the Eros Mystery School in Belgium. These experiences propelled me further into my clarion call.
I am continuing this Life’s Mission Campaign to ask support for relocation costs to the east coast and for support in attending two evolutionary events in the Netherlands — The Crossing and Eros Mystery School. When people come together in these gathers, we are working to evolve the source code, which is directly related to evolving our humanity. We are at the heart of the Love revolution. So, if you are able to help with a contribution, please support my GoFundMe Campaign.